Landscape Design
Landscape Design

Ideas that have germinated...
In the photos and plans below, you will be able to discover some products and materials from photo galleries of the manufacturers, in particular for sprinklers, nozzles, drip-line, rain gauges, autonomous programmers of Companies we work with, such as RAIN-BIRD, HUNTER, NETAFIM and UNITECHLINE.
According to needs, surfaces, vegetation and plant strata we adapt our recommendations and draw from our suppliers to propose the best possible solutions.
In Our studies, we always address the irrigation needs associated with the design of our projects, which are formalized in the form of plans (see opposite) and detailed specifications. Once informed, the client is in control of his project, as well as the financial and environmental issues related to the management and good uses of water in green spaces.
Automatic watering
The apprehension of the concept of irrigation and watering in green space must be an integral part of the general reflection. It must be integrated and considered at the outset of the project. water is at the heart of debates and reflections on our environment from its approach, from its capture, from its distribution, to its reprocessing where necessary. It must be used through irrigation as a last resort after the use and implementation of all means, implementations and materials to limit the quantity and frequency of watering.
It is thought, among other things, to use plants and grasses with moderate water requirements, intakes of vegetable compost in the soil, mulching of non-vegetated surfaces, in short, to carry out sensible and reasonable projects in water consumption. irrigation in parks and Gardens is more likely to be reserved on areas planted with perennials, cover-crops and shrubs.
Important: for off-soil plantations, irrigation becomes a necessity for the survival and good development of plant species. For them, water is life.